
Patrick Decostre
President and Chief Executive Officer
Boralex inc.

On December 1, 2020, Patrick Decostre is appointed President and Chief Executive Officer of Boralex. After spending 18 years building the business from the ground up in Europe as its very first employee, he settles in Montreal to become Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer of the company. This position offers him the opportunity to bring together his European expertise and the company’s Quebec and North American roots.

In Europe, he launched the company’s wind energy initiative and spearheaded Boralex’s operations and development activities. Through his efforts and those of the team he built from scratch, Boralex is now the first independent onshore wind power producer in France.

Upon entering the labor market in 1996, Patrick works in France and also in the United Kingdom, then a pioneering market for the deregulation of electricity and integration of interconnected networks. He is quickly recognized for his in-depth understanding of the energy sector, his strategic vision and his expertise in development. A physicist engineer, a graduate of École Polytechnique de Bruxelles and of the Solvay Brussels School in business administration, Patrick works at EDF as engineer as well as business manager for major projects before joining Boralex in 2001.

More recently, Patrick has helped develop Boralex’s ambitious 2023 strategic plan, which focuses on growing and diversifying the company’s activities in the solar and wind sectors, attracting new clients through a custom service offering, and optimizing its existing assets and internal processes.

In addition to a successful career, Patrick can count on the support of his family. Sports lovers who enjoy the great outdoors and a change of scenery, they uprooted from Belgium to discover new horizons in Montreal, thereby allowing Patrick to take up his new role.

More than an anchor in his life, his family is actively involved in Patrick’s personal and professional decisions, making him a leader who knows how to stay connected and close to his team.

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