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Location Montréal

Bicha Ngo, Kim Thomassin et Dany Pelletier


Bicha Ngo, Kim Thomassin et Dany Pelletier


Bicha Ngo
Senior Executive Vice-President, Private Equity
Investissement Québec



Kim Thomassin
Executive Vice-President and Head of Investments in Québec and Stewardship Investing
Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec

Voir la bio


Dany Pelletier
Chef des opérations aux investissements
Fonds de solidarité FTQ

Voir la bio



Event of June 14, 2021


Event sponsor


Three leaders share their visions of the future of Quebec's economy
At its season-ending panel discussion, the Canadian Club of Montreal is joined by three leaders who will discuss their visions of Quebec’s economic future. Our host will talk to them about our economy's performance, its headquarters, socially responsible investing, environmental, social and governance (ESG) integration, and other topics.

Discussion hosted by Diane Bérard, Independent solutions journalist

Please note that the presentation will be in French.



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