Rendez-vous avec nos PDG

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Location Montréal

Geneviève Morin

Chief Executive Officer 

Rendez-vous with Geneviève Morin


Geneviève Morin
Chief Executive Officer 




Event of April 19, 2021


Event sponsor



The Positive Transformation of the Economy: Necessary and Profitable 
The role of finance is to anticipate change and make the economy of tomorrow a reality. A forerunner for the past 25 years, Fondaction is the investment fund for individuals and companies that are mobilized for the positive transformation of Québec’s economy, to make it more productive, fair, inclusive and green. More than ever, Fondaction is here to meet the financial needs of Québec companies committed to this transformation, demonstrating that sustainable financial performance can be achieved by targeting positive impacts. Geneviève Morin, President and CEO of Fondaction since January 2020, will discuss  current trends of this transformation and what Fondaction is doing to achieve this vision. 



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